Many people who seek alternative healing approach it with the attitude that it is the "healer's" responsibility to heal them — they think all they have to do is show up and let the healer do all the work. Some healers can have a profound effect on your health. However, the healing will probably not last if you return home and resort to your old patterns. After a healer clears and balances your energy, it is essential to create new ways of living your life so you don't continue to develop health problems.
I tell my clients they will probably need to do homework to assist them with the changes they want. The homework may be affirmations to read every day, sacred music to listen to daily, journaling, using essential oils, incense, and crystals. Committing to taking action that will strengthen your healing and well-being is vital.
It is clear to me when clients are not doing their homework. On their subsequent visits they frequently show up agitated and triggered, anxious to explain why their life isn't working. The clients who faithfully do their homework usually show up centered in their hearts, ready and willing to receive and participate in their healing. Their lives continue to improve.
Unrealistic Healing Expectations
Some healing clients think that one session can remove a lifetime of problems. While it is true that one can experience an instantaneous healing miracle, most often, it takes several healing sessions..
When my doctor found a tumor right before the 4th exploratory surgery for endometriosis, he was the one who announced it was a miracle when he opened me up, and the tumor was gone. He was not aware that when he had me sign extra forms to permit him to remove the tumor, right before I was rolled into the surgical room, I spontaneously said to myself, "I am done." I had been struggling with endometriosis since I had an abortion in my '20s. Although this seemed like an instantaneous miracle, I had been processing this trauma for years. In that moment of "I Am Done," all the trauma was released, the tumor disappeared, and I never had another problem with endometriosis.
Clearly, having the multiple sclerosis removed from my mind and body was a huge miracle, especially since there is no Western medicine cure for it. However, it took 14 years of personal work and trying numerous alternative healing modalities. Even then, it still took six sessions of working with a shaman to finally completely remove it. Was I upset because it took so long? No! It was such a debilitating disease that I just wanted it gone, no matter how long or how much money it would take to accomplish.
The bottom line is that miracles happen in different ways and at various times. It is ultimately about trusting the process.
Dealing with some current health issues
If you have read my book, you know I like to teach by example. Recently, I have experienced some health challenges. I will walk you through what I have done to understand the lessons this is bringing me so I can heal and not bring it back into my life again.
In a recent blog, I shared that my Spirit Guides directed me to have hip replacement surgery no later than this fall. Although I was having some pain in my hip, it was manageable—having surgery was not on my radar. However, it was such a strong, clear, specific, and unexpected message that I knew I needed to honor it. I felt some of my healing clients were surprised I decided to have the surgery and were confused as to why I did not personally "heal" the hip problem.
Health challenges bring life lessons. Identifying and dealing with these lessons is essential to the healing process. Although I will always first try alternative healing, I remain open to Western medicine if it seems that is the best option. Did I want to have hip surgery? No! But, the Spirit Guide messages were so adamant; they even continued to give me proof that what they were predicting was accurate.
A few months later, I saw in the news that the Dali Lama had knee replacement surgery. He is one of the most spiritual beings on the planet and has the resources to perform and receive all types of healing. I don't believe the fact that he chose to have surgery on his knee affected his image as a highly spiritual being.
I healed well after the hip replacement surgery. However, after 6 months, I recently started having pain if I slept on that side. Then, a few weeks later, I started having sharp pain in the groin area on my right side. The X-rays after the surgery showed my right hip was fine. I felt the best thing I could do was to see an orthopedic specialist and have some new X-rays. Nothing significant showed up, but I have had some cartilage deterioration on the right hip. The doctor suggested a month of physical therapy,
After a week of no visible improvement with the physical therapy, I put on my "healer" hat.
I came home and journaled to see what was underneath my current health challenge.
I was surprised the lesson was about me pulling this in so that I have an excuse to slow down and not work so much. I have had this lesson before and have made progress, but clearly there are still issues that I have to resolve.
This is how healing works. As you heal, you continue peeling off the layers that you are ready to discard. I have already let go of much of my "need to work energy," and Spirit is asking me to let go of more.
Once I was clear of the lesson, I made a new affirmation list. I read the affirmations several times each day.
I am listening to more sacred healing music.
I am meditating and journaling more often.
I am taking more responsibility for the physical therapy work, using my intuitive healing abilities to let me know if there is other work I need to be doing for this problem.
I realized last night that I need to get myself on my healing table and give myself a session.
I wrote new affirmations based on my realization of the real lesson for this health challenge. I am sharing my list to give you an idea of how to write affirmations for a specific issue. This lesson is about honoring what I want to do and not feeling guilty or pushing myself to do things I don't desire. In essence, I have to get better at saying "no" if I want these health challenges to go away.
New Affirmations for Chloe — Friday, Dec. 6, 2024
🙏🏻 It is okay to just "be"
🙏🏻 Self-care is not a selfish act.
🙏🏻 When I feel off, it is usually a message from Spirit to slow down, take time for myself, and figure out what I truly need.
🙏🏻 Taking breaks is healthy.
🙏🏻 I don't need to make my body unwell to give myself permission to take breaks from working.
🙏🏻 I don't need to make my body unwell to give myself permission not to work.
🙏🏻 I am enough, even when I don't accomplish anything.
My ultimate goal is to teach people how to heal themselves. We all have an innate sense and ability to heal.
Please let me know if you are interested in an online course on how to heal yourself. I received a nudge from my Spirit Guides that I should create one.
Peace, Love, and Light,