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How Easily Do You Surrender to Spirit?

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

Most of our parents raised us to think we are the ones who are in charge of our lives.

They taught us if we work hard enough, we will be rewarded. Usually, our idea of 'rewards' focuses on financial gains or notoriety—or at the very least, someone noticing our accomplishments. Looking outside of yourself for happiness can create an ongoing spiral where you constantly chase the next opportunity.

This behavior is ego-based. You may blame yourself when you don't capture the desired level of 'success.' What if you put your life in the hands of Spirit? It doesn't mean you do nothing; instead, you wait for your Spirit's guidance before you do the legwork.

Surrendering to Spirit takes a conscience and vigilant effort. I wrote my WISDOM KEEPER book in a constant state of surrender. It was a fantastic experience. Each day, my Spirit Guides would let me know what they wanted me to write about that day. I trusted them so much; I didn't even make an outline. Occasionally, I would question their suggestions but always followed their guidance.

When it was time to design the book cover, everywhere I turned, professionals were telling me there was a 'right way' and a 'right look' that books must follow to succeed. Fortunately, my Spirit Guides had another idea in mind. They told me to find a piece of art that would convey my book's ultimate feel and message. They guided me to pick a work of art that would be so intriguing that people would want to pick up the book just because of the art.

I also surrendered to my Spirit Guides' message on how the rest of the book cover needed to be. It was a little scary to go against what the book publishing industry suggested. But I trusted the process and took a leap of faith.

Last week, I received some fantastic news connected to my book. A judge for a book competition I entered loved the cover!

"Adored the cover art. The colors are so peaceful and appealing. I would pick this up in a random walk-through in a bookstore just to see what it was—very appealing book presentation."

The judge's reaction was the same as my Spirit Guides suggested. The art I chose makes people want to pick up the book.

The message and photos I received this week from a friend were even more astounding. His son is autistic and cannot speak. My friend saw my book was capturing his son's attention; he stops several times a day to look at it. The photos reveal his fascination with the art on the cover. My heart melted when I saw the images. I hope he receives spiritual connections when he looks at the book.

When I told the artist about this boy's reaction, she was also deeply touched. "Your email really touched me...thank you so much for sharing the lovely photos of your friend's son's connection with your book and my Goddess image on the front cover. How absolutely beautiful! This Goddess is the Goddess of Air. I feel she offers the gift of movement, fluidity, and connection. Perhaps this boy is receiving those gifts from the image and energy of your book? Isn't it a wonderful blessing for us to know that, in whatever way, the book pleases him?"

When I commit to surrendering to Spirit's guidance, it is not for the typical rewards. I didn't write this book for fame or fortune. My ultimate goal is to heal and save the world. For that purpose, I want as many people as possible to read the book. I hope they find something in the book that resonates with them profoundly, motivating and inspiring them to find their spiritual path.

I also have been clear from the start of this project that if I only help one person, that will be worth all the time and energy I put into writing the book and getting it out into the world.

Two months after I released WISDOM KEEPER, a young woman came to me excitedly, telling me how much my book meant to her. She told me she had been struggling with depression before reading my book, with strong thoughts of not wanting to be here anymore. When she told me my book lifted her spirits and gave her additional reasons to want to live, it moved me deeply.

With each of these, the autistic boy drawn to my book, and the young woman who is no longer struggling with her mental health, I knew they were my 'rewards' for surrendering to my Spirit Guides. How my book has affected them is way beyond any 'book success' I ever imagined. If nothing else happens with the book, this is enough.

So, how do you surrender?

It's okay to start slow. Pick one thing you are willing not to control. Commit to waiting and listening for Spirit's guidance before taking action. Even if you are nervous or scared, stay focused on listening for Spirit to lead you. When you receive messages, it may seem like it makes little sense at first. That is okay; sit with it. Trust that all will unfold with Divine timing.

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Image by Xan Griffin

Divine Companions: Spirit Guides

Are you aware that Divine companions surround you all the time? They are there, doing their best to guide and keep you safe. Before you were born this lifetime, Spirit chose them to accompany you through your lifetime, from the moment of your first breath, until your last.

What is a Spirit Guide?

These highly evolved beings have completed the cycle of birth and death in the physical plane and are now serving as teachers and guides to elevate their vibrations further. They are as “real” as you are, but they vibrate at another level and live in another plane of existence.

Usually, Spirt Guides reach you through your dreams and intuition. That quiet voice you hear is often the voice of your teachers and guides. They may also make themselves known through repetitive signs and symbols; they use these to get your attention, so you can discover what they are trying to tell you.

When my Spirit Guides have difficulty getting my attention, they often resort to causing me some physical challenges. The physical problems disappear as soon as I recognize my Guides are trying to reach me, and I understand the message and lessons they are bringing me.

You can have more than one Spirit Guide. I have several, and new ones continue to show up. I trust their process; they are always bringing me guidance and lessons to assist me on my spiritual path.

Some people have archangels and angels as spirit guides. Remember, having an angel appear does not always mean they are your Spirit Guides. Angels can be called in times of distress to assist you for a short time.

Identifying your Spirit Guide

They are always with you, whether you acknowledge their presence. If you want to understand who your guides are, just ask. Start by getting in a quiet meditative space and ask that they reveal themselves to you. Beings from the spiritual realm often communicate through signs and symbols.


Once you ask, you must trust your wisdom. Pay attention to the pictures that appear in your mind. You might see a Native American, a Buddhist monk, or nothing at all. Keep your mind and intuition open. Also, notice if signs, symbols, or messages continue to come up after you ask them to reveal themselves.


Working with your Spirit Guides is a fantastic personal and spiritual growth tool. They dwell in a higher vibrational plane and bring lessons and guidance from other dimensions. You can also ask your Spirit Guides to assist you in physical healing. Before you go to sleep, ask that they do healing work on you.

Life is so much more than what we see. Open your spiritual eyes and hearts, and you will discover a world of wisdom, beauty, and peace you never knew existed. Raise your vibration and allow the beautiful gifts of Spirit to wash over you.

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